Rabu, 08 Januari 2020

Science of Technology in Education

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

                                  Technology is Very Influential in Education

        Information technology is a technology used to process data, including processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, manipulating data in various ways to produce quality information, namely information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and governance and is strategic information for making decisions. Communication technology is an extension of communication science with technology bases such as wireless, internet, fax, computers and so on.
       The development of the internet in the world of education has resulted in a distance learning system. With this system, a student no longer needs to go to school like a formal school. But just take the time to meet face to face with the lecturer or teacher through a computer monitor. Likewise, students not only obtain information about knowledge through library books, they must even go to the library to obtain knowledge, but enough to be in front of the monitor, the knowledge to be sought is already available.  
       Communication Technology in education is: Information needed to be faster and easier in accessing educational goals, Innovation in learning grows in the face of e-learning innovation that makes the educational process easier, Administrative systems in educational institutions will be easier and smoother because the application of ICT systems, the emergence of mass media, especially electronic media as a source of knowledge and education center.
       Technology is very influential in aspects of human life and plays a role in the life of the wider community, especially the role of technology in the field of education. In education itself, technology now has its own role in the teaching and learning process. The results of technology have long been used in education. The invention of paper, printing machines, radio, films, TV, computers and others was used for education. In essence these tools are not made specifically for educational purposes, but the tools turned out to be able to be used in the world of education.
        The development of information technology that is increasingly rapid in the current era of globalization can not be avoided anymore influence on the world of education. The global demand demands the world of education to always and constantly adjust technological developments to efforts in improving the quality of education, especially adjusting the use of information and communication technology for education especially in the learning process.

1. What is the meaning of information technology ?
2. How is the influence of technology in aspects of human life ?
3. How is the development of information technology in the current era of globalization ?
4. What is the positive impact of communication technology in the world of education ?



Rabu, 06 November 2019

Loop Python

Loop Python   

Secara umum, pernyataan pada bahasa pemrograman akan dieksekusi secara berurutan. Pernyataan pertama dalam sebuah fungsi dijalankan pertama, diikuti oleh yang kedua, dan seterusnya. Tetapi akan ada situasi dimana Anda harus menulis banyak kode, dimana kode tersebut sangat banyak. Jika dilakukan secara manual maka Anda hanya akan membuang-buang tenaga dengan menulis beratus-ratus bahkan beribu-ribu kode. Untuk itu Anda perlu menggunakan pengulangan di dalam bahasa pemrograman Python.
Di dalam bahasa pemrograman Python pengulangan dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu :
  • While Loop
  • For Loop
  • Nested Loop
While Loop
Pengulangan While Loop di dalam bahasa pemrograman Python dieksesusi statement berkali-kali selama kondisi bernilai benar atau True.
Dibawah ini adalah contoh penggunaan pengulangan While Loop.
#Contoh penggunaan While Loop

count = 0
while (count < 9):
    print 'The count is:', count
    count = count + 1

print ("Good bye!")
For Loop
Pengulangan for pada Python memiliki kemampuan untuk mengulangi item dari urutan apapun, seperti list atau string.
Dibawah ini adalah contoh penggunaan pengulangan For Loop.
#Contoh pengulangan for sederhana
angka = [1,2,3,4,5]
for x in angka:

#Contoh pengulangan for
buah = ["nanas", "apel", "jeruk"]
for makanan in buah:
    print "Saya suka makan", makanan
Nested Loop
Bahasa pemrograman Python memungkinkan penggunaan satu lingkaran di dalam loop lain. Bagian berikut menunjukkan beberapa contoh untuk menggambarkan konsep tersebut.
Dibawah ini adalah contoh penggunaan Nested Loop.
#Contoh penggunaan Nested Loop

i = 2
while(i < 100):
    j = 2
    while(j <= (i/j)):
        if not(i%j): break
        j = j + 1
    if (j > i/j) : print i, " is prime"
    i = i + 1

print "Good bye!"